Can Bed Bugs Get In Your Eyes? Do They Attempt To Go There?

Over the past few decades, bed bugs have become more prevalent, and are causing more havoc than ever before. Bed bugs were largely eradicated in the 1950s with the use of DDT, but since then, they have made a resurgence.

As a result, they are becoming more common in the United States. 

Bed Bugs like to nestle in dark places where it is warm and humid. Does this include eyes? Can bed bugs get in your eyes?

  • Bed bugs can be found almost everywhere: in hotels, movie theaters, schools, and homes. 
  • They feed on human blood and can live on clothing or furniture without feeding for months at a time. 
  • They bite people while sleeping, leading to itchy welts that can last for weeks after being bitten. 

Bed bugs are interested in blood, and not in eyes or orifices. Bed bugs are a menace, but at least they don’t go into your eyes. However, they can cause some allergic issues with the eyes. We’ll discuss it further below.

Can Bed Bugs Get In Your Eyes?

Bed bugs are small, flat, oval-shaped nocturnal insects known for feeding on human blood. They feed by injecting their saliva into the host’s skin. The saliva contains an anticoagulant that prevents the blood from clotting, allowing them to suck up as much blood as possible before going back into hiding. 

Bed bug bites can cause allergic reactions in some people, which can lead to eye infections if they come into contact with the eyes. Moreover, bed bug feces or eggs can also come into contact with the eye region.

Bed bug bites can cause allergic reactions in some people, which can lead to eye infections if they come into contact with the eyes.

Bed bugs getting into the eye is a rare occurrence. However, Bed bug bites have been found around the eye as well as on the eyelid.

Bed bugs aren’t interested in living on or inside people, they just want our delicious blood. It is highly unlikely they would try to go in your mouth, ears, nose, etc. while you were sleeping.

Why Bed Bugs Are Becoming So Resilient

Bed bugs have lived with humans for centuries (they were once consumed as medicine!). Bed bugs are not only hard to get rid of, but they are also very expensive to get rid of.

In addition, these insects can live without food for up to a year and survive in temperatures as low as -4 degrees Fahrenheit.

The emergence of bed bugs is closely related to the increased use of pesticides in homes and public spaces. Pesticides are effective for killing other pests like cockroaches and termites, but these chemicals don’t kill bed bugs. Instead, they usually hide in cracks and crevices where the pesticide cannot reach them.

The emergence of bed bugs is closely related to the increased use of pesticides in homes and public spaces.

Another reason for bed bug resilience is that bed bug-resistant pesticides are not being applied correctly, and as a result, the bed bug population has increased. The best way to combat these pests is with integrated pest management (IPM). IPM focuses on prevention rather than extermination, so it does not rely on pesticides as much as other methods.

If You’re Paranoid About Bed Bugs In Your Eyes

If you’re paranoid about bed bugs in your eyes, sleep with an eye mask on. You’ll probably sleep better, anyway.

If you’re paranoid about bed bugs in your eyes, sleep with an eye mask on. You’ll probably sleep better, anyway.

If you’re in the midst of dealing with a bed bug infestation, it can be tough to get to sleep. You may be tempted to sleep elsewhere, but that can spread your infestation.

Instead, just stay strong and resolute, stick to your bed bug treatment plan, and with time, they will go away.


The cause of allergic reactions, skin irritation, and severe eye infection are the main reasons why bed bugs are becoming a real problem for people. Therefore, it is necessary to exterminate them immediately or use prevention methods to control them.