Can Bed Bugs Live In Vacuum-Sealed Bags? How Long Do They Last?

Bed bugs are resilient pests that can be very hard to eliminate. They are resistant to most pesticides and can hide in devious places in and around your home. It’s well-known that bed bugs live on and near fabrics. But what about that old blanket in the sealed bag in the closet. Can bed bugs live in vacuum-sealed bags?

  • Bed bugs do not die when exposed to vacuum cleaners or extreme heat. 
  • They can live more than a year without food
  • You may not be able to reach them with a vacuum cleaner or a steamer

So even if you manage to kill some bed bugs by suffocating them with these methods, it is unlikely that you will wipe out the whole infestation this way.

How long can bed bugs live in vacuum-sealed bags? Let’s find out!

Can You Kill Bed Bugs by Suffocating Them?

Bed bugs can survive for months without a meal, an average level of oxygen, and within cold conditions. So don’t assume that sheets in a vacuum-sealed bag will be bed bug-free.

But there is one thing that bed bugs cannot survive: lack of oxygen.

Bed bugs do not have lungs, so they get oxygen from the air around them. When you seal off an area of your home, the bed bugs suffocate. 

According to research conducted in 2016, a low oxygen level harmed the bed bugs and reached mortality within 8 hours. But in practical terms, it is not an easy task to deplete the oxygen entirely from a specific space. 

According to research conducted in 2016, a low oxygen level harmed the bed bugs and reached mortality within 8 hours. But in practical terms, it is not an easy task to deplete the oxygen entirely from a specific space. 

Most pest control experts feel that suffocating bed bugs is not the best solution. They say that it does not kill them but just makes them dormant for a short period. Whereas other people think it is an effective way to get rid of bed bugs.

Bed bugs are a pest that is hard to deal with. They are difficult to exterminate, but some people have found a new way to potentially eliminate these pests.

The idea is to suffocate them with bedding.

If you have an infested mattress, you may be able to save it. You can seal it up in a tarp or trash bag, and you can seal up the mattress and put it in the sun for a day or two until the bed bugs suffocate inside.

Why Do Bed Bugs Live That Long?

Bed bugs are a type of insect that feed on blood and live in human dwellings. They are known for their ability to survive for long periods without feeding. They also have the ability to withstand extreme environments such as cold and heat.

Scientists have found that bed bugs can survive for up to 18 months without consuming blood. Surprisingly, this is longer than most other insects of their size, which usually live for 6-8 months at the most.

Bed bugs take in enough water from the blood they ingest from humans, so they do not need additional water intake.

Bed bugs can survive so long because they enter into a state of hibernation when there is no host on which to feed and when their environmental conditions are not favorable. They swiftly lower their metabolic rate by up to 80% to survive.

Bed bugs can survive so long because they enter into a state of hibernation when there is no host on which to feed and when their environmental conditions are not favorable. They swiftly lower their metabolic rate by up to 80% to survive.

Can Bed Bugs Penetrate Plastic?

Bed bugs can penetrate a variety of materials, including fabric and paper. However, they cannot penetrate or climb materials like plastic, glass, or other smooth surfaces. Bed bugs usually have difficulty penetrating plastic because their mouthparts cannot chew or bite through tough materials like plastics. 

And even if they did find a way to get through the tough material, they would die from dehydration because plastics are usually made of polyethylene. This means that if you place a mattress inside a plastic cover, then the bed bugs will not be able to penetrate it and get into your mattress anymore.

Can Bed Bugs Live in a Vacuum-Sealed Bag?

Bed bugs can live in a vacuum-sealed bag for approximately five months. They can survive for a few months in an airtight container, but they will eventually die after some time.

It is observed that bed bugs can instantly die if the temperature exceeds 117 degrees Fahrenheit. 

However, if other factors like temperature, oxygen, or food are optimal, the bed bugs will survive for 18 months, even in a sealed bag.

However, if other factors like temperature, oxygen, or food are optimal, the bed bugs will survive for 18 months, even in a sealed bag.

If the bed bugs are placed in a vacuum-sealed bag below freezing temperature, they might live up to two months. Also, you may notice the shape and size of the bed bugs to determine the survival span within a vacuum-sealed bag.

If the trapped bed bugs do not appear fully red and swollen, they have not fed on their host for a very long time, and will not last as long as a bug that has recently fed.

If the trapped bed bugs do not appear fully red and swollen, they have not fed on their host for a very long time, and will not last as long as a bug that has recently fed.

How Do You Draw Bed Bugs Out Of Hiding?

You can use insecticides such as sprays or powders if you have a bed bug infestation (mothballs don’t work). You can also use traps that lure the bugs out of their hiding place with a chemical lure.

Other options such as cold, heat, desiccants, or chemical sprays can also help eliminate bed bugs. 

But often, they are hard to eliminate from your home. You’ll likely need to call in a professional, and their service is usually worth the cost. Bed bugs can be a real terror!


There’s no guarantee that leaving your mattress or linens in vacuum-sealed bags will eliminate bed bugs. They can last for a long time!

The best way to prevent bed bugs from entering your home is to be vigilant (particularly when traveling) in identifying any infestation and getting it treated as soon as possible.

And if it’s too late, call in a professional.