Can You Repel Bed Bugs with High-Frequency Sound?

If you’ve just discovered that you have a bed bug infestation, then your brain is probably obsessing about what to throw out, what to nuke, and what you should do. Of course, you could get an exterminator to come in, but this will involve treating all of your soft furnishings, including your clothing.

The chemicals used by exterminators could also cause the probability of adverse reactions, especially from your mattress if you are allergic to the chemicals. And you may not know you are until it is too late.

But what about a more natural alternative? Ultrasonic frequency devices have been used successfully in some cases to get rid of common pests, like bed bugs. So, can you repel bed bugs with high-frequency sound? 

Unfortuantely, high-frequency sounds don’t repel them. Try Rick Astley instead.

Read on to learn the details of high-frequency sound and bed bugs.

Can You Repel Bed Bugs with High-Frequency Sound?

If you have bed bugs, then you no doubt know that they are a long-lived, vampiric blood-sucker that can ruin your life. These dreadful insects can crawl into and hide in any little crevice of your room so effectively that it makes it difficult to find them, even in broad daylight.

And unfortunately, bed bugs aren’t easy to get rid of. This is why some people have looked to solutions other than the common chemical extermination process that is usually used to help eliminate a bed bug infestation.

Unfortunately, bed bugs aren’t easy to get rid of. This is why some people have looked to solutions other than the common chemical extermination process that is usually used to help eliminate a bed bug infestation.

High-frequency sound, which is also known as ultrasonic frequency, is a sound wave that is impossible for the human ear to detect. You may be able to hear part of the sound wave if you concentrate, but it will be like hearing a blurred image, and your brain won’t be able to make it out.

According to an article from Science Daily published in 2012, commercial ultrasonic frequency devices that are on the market are not able to repel insects and pests like bed bugs, ants, mosquitoes and cockroaches.


The study used four different ultrasonic frequency device models to experiment. It concluded that the machines did not work well, because the frequency needed to deter bed bugs wasn’t the correct resonance, since bed bugs are also activated by the breathing or snoring of the human host.

Female bed bugs were tested in the study with four different commercially available devices designed to repel household pests. It was found that female bed bugs didn’t care whether the sound produced by the ultrasonic repellent devices was on or not.

Female bed bugs were tested in the study with four different commercially available devices designed to repel household pests. It was found that female bed bugs didn’t care whether the sound produced by the ultrasonic repellent devices was on or not.

It was shown that the devices neither repelled nor attracted bed bugs during the trials, resulting in the scientists confirming that commercial devices that produce ultrasound frequency are not useful tools.

They do not produce the correct combination of frequencies.

If It’s Bugging You…

Although the product manufacturers would probably disagree, all the science points to the fact that bed bugs won’t be affected by using the emitted high-frequency sound that is meant to get rid of them.

So, can you repel bed bugs with high-frequency sound? Well, we’re going to say this is an overall no.

If you have an issue with bed bugs, then you must get hold of an exterminator immediately to prevent further spread, A pro will help you eliminate your pest problem for good.