Do Bed Bugs Make Noise?

Not so long ago, bed bugs were a fairly rare pest, but as travel has become so frequent, they’re back, baby! Bed bugs can multiply and disperse themselves throughout a large property, hiding in the cracks and nooks. If they are so widespread, how do they go unnoticed?

Do bed bugs make noise? Can you hear them at night?

Bed bugs are so quiet, no human will hear them.

  • Bed bugs very small don’t make any noises that are commonly noticeable
  • Bed bugs move in silence and do not fly. You’ll likely see their marks on your skin before noticing them. 
  • Bed bugs are nocturnal creatures that know where to go in search of a host and when to leave.

In this post, we’ll examine if bed bugs can communicate with one another. We’ll also weigh the risks of that communication and why you need expert pest control services.

Why Is It Hard to Notice Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs spend most of their lives in hiding. They are attracted to your breath, and will use CO2 as a guide to find your blood. They do not have wings, and do not buzz around. Consequently, bed bugs don’t make any noise at a threshold humans can hear.

Bed bugs don’t make any noise at a threshold humans can hear.

Because they are so tiny, it is impossible to hear them crawling on surfaces. They don’t chirp, click, or make any other sounds to communicate with each other.

The last thing bed bugs want is a noise that draws attention to them.

Why Are Bedbugs Silent?

Bed bugs spend their entire lives attempting to remain undetected. It would be way easier to deal with an infestation if they made noise so you could find them! Unfortunately, they are such good hiders, and can live for up to a year, they are very difficult to eradicate completely.

For thousands of years, they have understood that being silent benefits their existence.

Additionally, they are good at navigating the environment using their sense of smell. Bed bugs wouldn’t be more adept at avoiding danger or returning home if they could call out to one another.

How Do Bed Bugs Communicate?

Bed bugs are well aware that the host they are feeding on also poses the greatest threat. To survive, they use a chemical-based method of communication like many other insects, such as ants. Pheromone is the name for these substances.

The compounds are secreted onto the surfaces by bed bugs. In particular, the soft materials of bed mattresses are very absorbent. The scent will then be detectable by other bed bugs, who will subsequently recognize the left behind sign.

Bed bugs are well aware that the host they are feeding on also poses the greatest threat.

Effects of Bed Bugs’ Chemical Communication

Let’s look at bed bugs’ communication strategies now that we are aware of how they interact with each other. 

  1. First, pheromones can help create a clear path to a human host. That will show the safest path and the one with the lowest risk of being discovered. Bed bugs will facilitate the feeding of a human host and the growth of other colony members.
  2. Bed bugs emit specific pheromones to signal danger when they believe it to be present. The remainder of the colony will be alert to that alarm and know to disperse and seek safety elsewhere or return to a secure hiding place. 
  3. Additionally, a female bug might use pheromones to signal her readiness for mating with neighboring males. Within 3-5 days of mating, a female bed bug will begin to deposit eggs.

That communication technique aids bed bugs in strengthening their ability to spread throughout your home. Isn’t it scary?

When to Bring in the Expert Pest Controllers

If you see signs of bed bug infestation, your best bet is to contact a pro immediately, assuming you can afford it. Pest control specialists can use various secure and efficient methods to remove bed bugs from your home. Additionally, they will be able to find and eradicate the pests swiftly, saving you from the threat of the bugs spreading everywhere.

Bed bug infestation is a nightmare that can last for months or years. You’ll be worried you’ll accidentally infest your friends’ homes, you can’t even feel safe traveling in a car. It takes over your life.

Now, you must be wondering, if bed bugs are nocturnal and silent, how can I detect their presence? Here are helpful tips.

1. Bed Bugs Smell

Bed bugs have a musty odor but can smell like berries or cilantro.

2. Bed Bugs’ Fecal Stains

Bed bug excrement leaves behind black or dark brown and ink-like stains. If the fabric doesn’t absorb it, it leaves tiny, smooth drops that are easy to smear. As a stain, it’s easy to confuse with ink or dirt.

3. Bed Bugs Old Shells

As they enlarge, bed bugs must shed their tough exoskeletons. When you find these shells somewhere, it is a sure sign of their presence.


Bed bugs don’t make any sound audible to humans. They use pheromones to communicate with one another, and aim to stay in the shadows.

If you fear you’re infested by bed bugs, you’ll have to hunt for bed bug casing or feces to confirm. We hope you don’t find any!