Do Dead Cockroaches Attract More Cockroaches? How Does That Work?

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to grab a glass of water and found a dead cockroach surrounded by a swarm of other cockroaches? Although it may seem like a cockroach funeral, it has more science associated with it. Such scenarios raise the question: do dead cockroaches attract more cockroaches?

  • Dead cockroaches do attract other cockroaches
  • A dead cockroach releases oleic acid as it dies
  • The smell of the acid is a source of attraction for other cockroaches

Now that we’re aware of how magnetic dead cockroaches are for other live ones, let’s look further into this phenomenon.

Do dead cockroaches attract more cockroaches?

Research on cockroaches continues to expand as times progress. People are consistently curious about the various methods of eradicating cockroaches from their homes and their lives.

Therefore, they wish to know exactly what attracts them so they can use it as bait to lure these sneaky insects out of their dark hiding spots.

The answer to this question is yes, dead roaches attract other roaches.

The answer to this question is yes, dead roaches attract other roaches.

As mentioned above, dead cockroaches release oleic acid, which has a strong smell. This smell attracts other cockroaches and is unique enough to be detected by them from a fair distance.

At times, if cockroaches cannot find food, the smell is attractive enough for them to munch on one of their own dead bodies.

Cockroaches are not picky eaters, and therefore, if they run into a dead version of their species, they wouldn’t hesitate before eating it. Additionally, sometimes these cockroaches hunt down dead cockroaches when they smell them from a distance due to their unique and strong smell.

Therefore, an interesting pest control method would be to set poison up in locations where these cockroaches reside.

Once a poisoned roach dies, other clan members will be attracted to the smell and make their way toward it. If they eat a poisoned cockroach, they are likely to reach their demise too.

Once a poisoned roach dies, other clan members will be attracted to the smell and make their way toward it. If they eat a poisoned cockroach, they are likely to reach their demise too.

This method can be effective if luck plays out in your favor. Otherwise, you may have a few dead cockroaches and an army surrounding them.

At this stage, the level of the infestation makes a big difference.

Are dead cockroaches a sign of an infestation?

If you’ve had a run-in with one cockroach, there are major chances that more of these insects are crawling through hidden dark spaces. However, seeing a live cockroach may not specifically prove an infestation.

If you’re looking for a sign of a brewing infestation, do a scent check for warm, dark places within your home. If you can detect a strong and musty smell, this is a sign that there may be an infestation cooking up within your home.

Other signs of an infestation include running into a cockroach eggs, or even molted roach husks in hidden areas or on the floor. It is difficult to miss the oval and brown casing that cockroaches tend to leave behind.

However, some cockroaches carry their eggs with them too.

The last and more disturbing sign would be finding cockroach feces in your home. These tiny coffee-like pellets signify a cockroach infestation on its way to taking over the place. However, these signs warn you to rush towards an effective pest control system.

Stay calm! There are many options for you to explore.

Do cockroaches eat other dead cockroaches?

Cockroaches tend to be attracted to foods that smell good, are starchy, and taste sweet. However, interestingly, this insect species does not look down upon the concept of cannibalism.

If cockroaches fail to find any other food, they will happily devour their pals and have no trouble sleeping at night (or rather during the day, considering these insects are nocturnal).

These deep brown insects particularly depend on their kind as a source of nutrition when their population exceeds their food source. Because too many of them are in the same area, they run out of food to hunt and consume. Therefore, they will resort to eating anything that becomes available, including a dead cockroach.

Are cockroaches able to smell dead cockroaches?

Cockroaches have a powerful and musty smell which is difficult to miss. In fact, despite our compromised sense of smell, humans can detect the smell and recognize it as one of the initial signs of a cockroach infestation.

Cockroaches have a far superior sense of smell and, therefore, can smell other cockroaches from a fair distance. The scent of a dead cockroach is far stronger, as they release an acid that has a unique yet scent.

Therefore, once cockroaches reach their demise, they become easy to detect by other live members of their clan. Additionally, this strong smell of a dead cockroach will likely stay in the air for a long time.

What should I do if dead cockroaches attract other alive cockroaches?

You can easily use this to your benefit as soon as you figure out a way to attract cockroaches. Although exploitative, you are perfectly deserving of using their weaknesses against these unwelcome house guests.

Therefore, a dead cockroach can act as bait for other cockroaches and lure them out of their safe, dark, and warm hiding spots.

Killing cockroaches is more difficult than it seems. These insects are fairly resilient, and although many insecticide sprays can kill them, cockroaches can grow immune to them after a few sprays.

Therefore, if you’re looking for a pesticide, we recommend buying one that these cockroaches can eat or will be attracted to.

If a cockroach dies from ingesting bait that contains borax or boric acid, other roaches that decide to eat the dead cockroach can also die from it. This leads to a loop of consumption and death, playing out as a virtuous circle.

If a cockroach dies from ingesting bait that contains borax or boric acid, other roaches that decide to eat the dead cockroach can also die from it. This leads to a loop of consumption and death, playing out as a virtuous circle.

Pick up a pesticide that these cockroaches would prefer to eat and spread around your house, particularly in tile cracks, under appliances, inside closets, and walls.

Conclusion: Dead cockroaches are a magnet for other cockroaches!

The strong and pungent smell that dead cockroaches emit is a complete magnet for other cockroaches. Therefore, a dead cockroach might do the trick if you’re looking for a particular way to lure these sneaky insects out of their holes.

Additionally, suppose the dead cockroach reached its demise by ingesting a pesticide. In that case, other cockroaches may also fall into their graves upon munching on one of their kind.

If you’re looking for the ideal pest control method, an edible pesticide is the best way to go about it.