Do Dead Stink Bugs Attract More?

As the season starts to cool down, many homeowners find themselves dealing with unwanted visitors in the shield-like shape of stink bugs. Most people immediately react when they see a stink bug and kill it. But will that bring more into your home?

Do dead stink bugs attract more stink bugs to the area?

  • A dead stink bug in your home will not attract more stink bugs.
  • However, one stink bug could mean more will be on the way, especially during the cool months in preparation for hibernation.

There are many ways to prevent stink bugs from getting into your home. We thought we’d take a quick look and give you the answer to that question and some other much-needed information so you can protect your home from these stinky invaders.

Do Dead Stink Bugs Attract More? 

There is a myth out there. It says that it will attract more stink bugs into your home, in a way similar to how dead roaches can attract more roaches.

If you’ve crushed a stink bug, it’s not gonna smell great! But a dead stink bug will not entice other bugs into the home.

If you’ve crushed a stink bug, it’s not gonna smell great! But a dead stink bug will not entice other bugs into the home.

The scent will be very strong! And instead of smashing a stink bug, it might be best to find another way to get rid of them while leaving their body intact.

Below, we’ll go over a couple of options that might be right for you.

That being said, if you find a live stink bug in your home, that may mean more will be trying to come in.

As it gets colder, the bugs move into the warmth of a home to set up for hibernation. Where there is one stink bug, there will often be more, so having preventative measures in place is a good idea.

Where there is one stink bug, there will often be more, so having preventative measures in place is a good idea.

Things That Do Attract Stink Bugs

The scent from the dead stink bugs, as we said above, will be some things in your home that will bring them in. Understanding what will attract stink bugs may help you prevent them from coming into your home and having to deal with that vile scent altogether.

Understanding what will attract stink bugs may help you prevent them from coming into your home and dealing with that vile scent.

Here are the three biggest things that attract stink bugs:

1. Heat

Just like most every other creature in the world, stink bugs want to be warm and comfortable, especially in the cooler months, while they prepare for hibernation.

This means that places like your walls and attics will be prime real estate for these little buggers.

2. Fruit

Having fruits and sweets in your home can be a great treat for you and your family. But just like they’re great treats for you, they can also be great treats for those stink bugs. They tend to feed on ripened fruit.

This also means that you may find stink bugs building their residence up in your garden.

3. Light

Many different types of bugs, including stink bugs, are attracted to bright lights. This is primarily because of the light itself but also because of the warmth that is radiated.

To reduce the chance of these bugs getting into your home, you might want to use dimmers or turn the lights off when you’re not in those rooms.

Ways to Prevent Stink Bugs From Getting Inside

The best way to prevent having to deal with that vile scent from the stink bugs or having more stink bugs living in your home is to do some preventative measures. Below are some of the best options for keeping those stink bugs from setting up shop in or around your home.

1. Sealing

The first step should be looking for entry points to your home from the outside (you should do this for many reasons, including energy efficiency and pest control).

Once you find any cracks or holes that could let the bugs in, you can use caulking or spray foam to seal them.

2. Repair

Stink bugs are very small and can get into the tiniest opening possible. That means walking around and repairing any openings in screens or doors could be a way to prevent them from getting into the home.

3. Moisture

Many bugs are attracted to moisture. So looking to repair pipes that are leaking or clogged drains can reduce the moisture in your home and thereby reduce the chance of stink bugs coming into your home.

4. Ventilation

Ventilation is key when you’re looking to keep moisture levels down. So making sure that areas they might be attracted to have a good airflow can help prevent bugs from crawling into your home.


So do dead stink bugs attract other stink bugs? The answer is no, there’s no pheromone in the stink that attracts other stink bugs.

But where there is one stink bug, there are often more. They often move indoors for a warm place to set up shop for the cooler months.

We hope that a look at some potential preventative measures you can take can help you alleviate the chance of having to deal with these foul little creatures.