Do Frogs Eat Stink Bugs?  

Are you wondering if your pet frog will eat stink bugs? Or are you just curious about the answer because of a pest issue? Regardless, you are in the right place!

Do frogs eat stink bugs?

They do eat stink bugs. But when it comes to frogs and stink bugs, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Stink Bugs may be toxic for frogs to digest.
  • Predators of stink bugs include spiders, bats, parasitic flies, assassin bugs, and birds.
  • Native predators like toads have adapted to eat stink bugs, but tree frogs, especially domesticated ones, should keep off stink bugs.

Frogs are generally recommended to have a varied diet. However, eating all the insects and bugs out there might not be healthy, as some are toxic. Examples of toxic insects include ladybugs, stink bugs, praying mantis, and millipedes. 

Do Frogs Eat Stink Bugs? 

If you have a pet frog, you may have heard or at least know that your pet frog should have a varied diet. By this, we are referring to giving your pet frog mealworms, locusts, and grasshoppers. And if the frog is a big one, a small mouse might be appropriate. 

If you have a pet frog, you may have heard or at least know that your pet frog should have a varied diet. 

Live insects include termites, larvae, and dragonflies. If the frog is small, fruit flies and red worms will do. However, large frogs might prefer small fish and invertebrates.

For a frog raised in captivity, insects smaller than the width of the frog’s eye may be appropriate. However, wild frogs can and will do anything that moves, even if it is large. 

Crickets, on the other hand, are easily available and easily accessed and are the most-preferred diet for frogs. The reason being they are rich in protein. Crickets are best when combined with other insects or worms.

It is important, however, to note that crickets also contain chitin which might end up causing digestive problems. If given in large quantities, it might lead to impaction, which can be severe. 

Are Stink Bugs Useful?

Stink Bugs, in some instances, are beneficial, and they are helpful on the farm. They help feed on and control harmful caterpillars, aphids, moths, and many other pests yet have no effect or harm on plants or people. They sometimes chow down on beetles, but usually not ladybugs.

They help feed on and control harmful beetles, caterpillars, aphids, moths, and many other pests yet have no effect on plants or people. 

But most people think of stink bugs as harmful pests, especially when they are in the house. And if you squash one, it may stink for a while!

Do Stink Bugs Nest?

No, stink bugs do not nest. If they come into your home, it will be only to seek warmth, as they are mostly asleep in the winter. They cause no major damage as you would expect.

You don’t have to be concerned about structural damage, food infestation, or even them laying eggs. They do leave stinky droppings, though.

As a matter of fact, they never lay eggs in your house until they leave your home.

They are usually common in early fall and late summer. The short days and decrease in temperature cause them to look for shelter when they are in their inactive lifecycle stage. When they find a suitable location, they will attract other bugs courtesy of an aggregation pheromone that they release.   

What to Do if You Want to Get Rid of Stink Bugs?

The best way to get rid of stink bugs is to keep them at bay. If you want to repel them naturally, there are scents that they hate and discourage their presence. We recommend trying out the following scents:

  • Rosemary
  • Geranium
  • Spearmint
  • Clove oil
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Wintergreen
  • Dryer sheets

Plants like catnip, thyme, lavender, and garlic also help to keep these pests away. 

Tips to Keep Stink Bugs Away

If you are looking to control stink bugs, here are some of the things you can try to do:

  1. Close off any entry points (this is good for all other bugs like roaches, too!). Seal off any place where you think they might try to sneak in.
  2. Turning off the lights can help control them.
  3. Reduce moisture sites in your house
  4. If there are food sources, keep them to a minimum.
  5. Ensure there is proper ventilation.
  6. Check your belongings.
  7. Lastly, ensure you properly landscape.

Conclusion: Frogs and Stink Bugs

If you have a pet frog, it’s not a good idea to feed it wild stinkbugs. If you find stink bugs in your house, best to put them outside without disturbing them so they don’t unleash their scent.

If you have stink bugs, then any wild frogs in your area might be allies. They may help control your population.