Do Mosquitoes Come Out at Night?

There are times when mosquitoes are not active, and then there are times when mosquitoes emerge in ungodly amounts from their hiding places. It often seems like mosquitoes get worse after sundown, but is that true?

Do mosquitoes come out at night?

Mosquitoes often come out at night, but depending on the species and location, will come out during the day in shaded areas as well.

Here are the basics:

  • Sunrises, sunsets, and nighttime are the most common times for mosquitoes to feed.
  • When the sun is out during midday, they’re rarely active, as direct sunlight and extreme temperatures rapidly dehydrate them.
  • Depending on the species, mosquitoes may also be active at different times.

When it comes to avoiding mosquitoes, it’s important to know when they’re most active in your area, the seasons when mosquitoes are most active, and what times of day mosquitoes tend to be active. 

Do Mosquitoes Come Out at Night? When Do Mosquitoes Emerge?

Around dawn, sunset, and at night, mosquitoes tend to come out to feed. Midday is rarely a time when they’re active, as strong sunlight and high temperatures during the middle of the day can cause them to become dehydrated.

But don’t take this as gospel — they may be more active at different times of day depending on several factors, including:

  • Conditions outside
  • The temperature and humidity
  • Present mosquito species

As a result of the weather, mosquitoes prefer not to be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods.

So, if it’s a bright sunny day, you are unlikely to find them around noon. But if you’re in a deep shaded forest on a hike, you may find yourself battling a swarm of mosquitoes.

If it’s a bright sunny day, you are unlikely to find them around noon. But if you’re in a deep shaded forest on a hike, you may find yourself battling a swarm of mosquitoes.

In addition to temperature, there are other factors to consider. Mosquitoes prefer temperatures between 64°F and 93°F, with activity peaking around 80°F.

Those ideal hours may vary if you live in a different part of the country or are in a different month.

Mosquitoes can also be more active at different times during the day depending on their species. If you have different types of mosquitoes inhabiting your home, you may observe some overlap.

Mosquito Breed Active Times

What Is the Peak Period of Activity for Culex Mosquitoes?

The culex is a mosquito species found in permanent water, such as Culex pipiens (commonly known as house mosquitoes). Most of the mosquitoes in U.S. cities and suburbs are species of this type. 

From dusk to dawn, Culex mosquitoes are most active during the night. Between 8 pm and 6 am are the busiest hours for mosquitoes during peak mosquito season.

A mosquito’s hiding place during the daytime is a shady area like under leaves, shrubbery, and sheds. Their activity begins after the sun sets in the evening, and they stay active all night and early in the morning.

Aedes Mosquitoes: When Are They Active?

An aggressive and painful-biting mosquito genus, Aedes is known for inhabiting floodwaters. Insects that bite at night are known as “dusk and dawn biters,” as they are crepuscular insects. 

As opposed to Culex mosquitoes, they are typically active during the day (rather than during the night), primarily in the early morning and late afternoon. As mosquito season approaches, they are most active outdoors between 5 am and 7 am and from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

These mosquitoes emerge during twilight and disappear by sunrise. During the evening, around sunset, they will once again come out to feed.

While Aedes mosquitoes are typically active at night, they can also be active at other times of the day, particularly indoors or in shady conditions.

What Is the Active Period of Anopheles Mosquitoes?

The southeastern United States has a higher prevalence of Anopheles mosquitoes, the primary vectors that transmit malaria.

Depending on their species, some of these mosquitoes tend to be active during the day and others at night. When Anopheles mosquitoes are present on your property, they will behave similarly to Culex mosquitoes in terms of their active hours and biting behavior.

During the Mosquito Season

Mosquito season may be a topic of discussion frequently. You may also hear that mosquito bites are more common during mosquito season, and you’ll have to reach for your Afterbite or Orajel for relief.

But this season is not about a specific time anymore; rather, it’s about temperatures.

Some mosquito species will die off in the colder months, whereas others will become dormant. As far as this is concerned, 50°F is the magic number. When mosquitoes reach this point, they become active, regardless of whether they are hibernating or developing as eggs. If a species hibernates, when temperatures consistently reach 50°F, the mosquito emerges.

When mosquito eggs start hatching in the winter, 50°F is ideal for mosquito hatching, so you may also notice a late-season resurgence of mosquitoes. 

As soon as there is a frost, mosquitoes in your area will disappear. Warm spells, however, can revive them, and some mosquitoes will re-emerge from hibernation to seek out sources of food. Summer is the peak mosquito activity season for almost all mosquito species in the United States.

As soon as there is a frost, mosquitoes in your area will disappear.

Where Are the Mosquitoes When They Are Hiding?

A mosquito’s natural habitat is dark and sheltered during the day. It’s common for them to hang out among grass, plants, and leaves.

Manufactured structures can also harbor them, like dimly lit basements and storage spaces that have moisture and are dark. 

In Times of Mosquito Activity, Here Are Some Things to Do: 

To reduce your mosquito bite risk, you can do the following:

  1. Prepare yourself by stocking up on insect repellent whenever the weather starts to warm up. Before you see your first mosquito, start using Mosquito Magnet traps. From the beginning of the season, it can keep populations low.
  2. You should check your window screens for holes yearly. Screen your windows and doors in the early part of the season — before temperatures rise above 40°F. You can protect your home against mosquitoes in the event of a sudden temperature increase.
  3. Off-season travel is recommended. When visiting any region where mosquito-borne diseases are common, such as the equatorial region, it‘s recommended that you visit during the cooler months of the year.
  4. Even though mosquitoes tend to bite less when traveling, ensure you get your vaccinations. The importance of vaccinations cannot be overstated as one of the best forms of insurance for preventing serious, mosquito-transmitted diseases.
  5. Infectious diseases caused by mosquitoes kill over one million people every year. Mosquito-borne illnesses are common in the United States, including malaria, dengue fever, and chikungunya.
  6. Travelers are more likely to contract them. Travelers from Australia were reported to have contracted dengue fever, malaria, and typhoid during their stay in Bali, demonstrating the possibility of contracting multiple dangerous diseases when visiting mosquito-infested areas. A warning was issued, urging vaccination before traveling.

Final Thoughts

Mosquitoes shouldn’t stop you from traveling or doing outdoor activities. With a little awareness and precaution, it’s possible to prevent being bitten and contracting life-threatening diseases.

While mosquitoes don’t exclusively come out at night, they are often most active around dusk and dawn.

Be careful during these times, and wear protective clothing and repellants during peak hours.