Do Mothballs Repel Roaches? Will They Help End Your Infestation?

Have you seen several cockroaches zipping around your home? If so, you may be wondering whether you need to nuke your house, or if you need something even more powerful. They survive nukes, right?

What about mothballs? Do mothballs repel roaches? They’re definitely less trouble than a nuke.

  • Mothballs do repel cockroaches
  • These are cheap and convenient
  • The toxic fumes and smell of the mothballs keep these insects away

Put the launch codes down, mothballs can help! In this article, we’ll look at what mothballs can do to slow down your cockroach infestation.

Do Mothballs Repel Roaches?

Yes, mothballs will repel roaches, as well as moths. However, things aren’t always as easy as they seem. Although mothballs are a reasonable way to keep roaches away, they aren’t the complete answer to your roach problems.

Although mothballs are a reasonable way to keep roaches away, they aren’t the complete answer to your roach problems.

The main attraction of mothballs as a pest control method is their simplicity. They’re easy to use and inexpensive. There are a few non-traditional roach control methods like peppermint oil that work. But often it’s best to stick with the commercial stuff or call a pro.

While mothballs aid in repelling cockroaches, they are not an ideal solution.

Cockroaches can multiply very quickly. And once roaches have set up camp in your house, they can be very difficult to get rid of.

These unwelcomed guests will enter your kitchen unannounced, frantically hunt for food and consistently get into your bathrooms, garages, and under (and even inside) your appliances.

As a cherry on top of this horrendous cake, these cockroaches carry bacteria and various diseases.

How Effective Are Mothballs As A Pest Control Method?

While mothballs will repel cockroaches, the power of mothballs is just not enough to control an infestation. They may be a piece of the puzzle, and they can help. But they’re not a solution.

Mothballs are a temporary solution for repelling cockroaches.

Their efficiency is short-lived. For a small period, the toxic fumes and smell that these mothballs emit may discourage cockroaches from entering your space, but that won’t last for long.

Perhaps this method will work for a while, but these creepy crawlies eventually become accustomed to the smell. Because of this, mothballs can be a part of the cockroach remediation process, but only a small part.

Mothballs can be a part of the cockroach remediation process, but only a small part.

Do Mothballs Help Kill Cockroaches?

Mothballs may help eradicate some cockroaches, but you may still need those launch codes unless your infestation is limited to only a few cockroaches (which is rarely the case). And the other issue is that mothballs may be poisonous to pets and children, so a lot of people don’t like to use them.

It is important to note that mothballs essentially repel these cockroaches and keep them away from you. But they don’t usually kill cockroaches.

If you aim to kill cockroaches and eliminate them permanently, you will need to go further than mothballs. Using boric acid is an efficient way of getting rid of cockroaches. However, this is a temporary solution.

As we already know, cockroaches are surprisingly intelligent creatures who learn to adapt to their environments effectively. They often can evolve into resisting various methods too.

The ideal way to use mothballs to keep roaches away

Since mothballs are cockroach repellent, people tend to believe that scattering them around a house with a brewing cockroach infestation is the right way to proceed.

However, we discourage this.

Mothballs are meant to be held in closed containers, and certain precautions are essential. These should not be used near heat, open spaces, or areas where you prepare food.

The mothball method can be challenging. The toxic fumes aid in keeping these sneaky creatures away, but they may also take over your house and cause irritation to your nose.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that you thoroughly read the package label before using it.

If you’re traveling and have separate sections for items you wish to keep safe from cockroaches, such as pillows, stuffed toys, clothing, or blankets, you can use mothballs to keep them away effectively.

If you’re traveling and have separate sections for items you wish to keep safe from cockroaches, such as pillows, stuffed toys, clothing, or blankets, you can use mothballs to keep them away effectively.

The right way would be to keep each item in an individual container while ensuring that its lid is fitted tightly.

Sealed Containers

Each container should consist of one to two mothballs, and you should ensure that the container is completely airtight. If you’re unsure about the container’s lid’s quality, we recommend taping it up to ensure that no air is let out. These fumes can be hazardous to humans, so we wouldn’t recommend letting them escape into your house.

After taking these precautions, you can keep the containers in a safe place and leave them until their need arises. Using mothballs in this way will protect your items and keep them free of cockroaches.

Once you’re ready to remove your items from the container, ensure that you do so in a ventilated area.

Since dissolved mothballs have immensely toxic fumes, ventilation is incredibly important. Moreover, the more precautions you take, the better it is. Remember, mothballs are poisonous, and you shouldn’t touch them without washing your hands.

Conclusion: Mothballs repel cockroaches!

Do mothballs repel cockroaches? The answer is a definite yes. You can use mothballs to repel roaches, and they can be a part of your anti-roach strategy.

But they’re not a great solution, and we would lean toward peppermint oil over mothballs.

The bottom line is that a large roach infestation is difficult to eradicate, and you may need professional assistance.