Do Stink Bugs Burn Your Skin? Can They Harm You?

Whether you like it or not, stink bugs can be a real nuisance, especially if you’re spending a lot of time outside during the summer months. There are more than 260 species of the little buggers that cause a bit of havoc with the funk they emit.

Do stink bugs burn your skin?

Some people, especially those who have a fear of creepy crawlies, are afraid that they can be hurt by stink bugs. But is this true? Can stink bugs really hurt you? In this article, we’ll break down what harm a stink bug can cause.

Do Stink Bugs Burn Your Skin?

You’ll be pleased to hear that the majority of stink bug species won’t bite or even sting. And that’s basically because they simply can’t do so! This is why they will give off their bad smell. It’s their only method of protecting themselves when they feel threatened.

They’re like the skunks of the insect world. Most stink bugs have no real defense other than the funk.

However, some species of stink bugs will bite, and although it might hurt, they are not venomous creatures, so there’s nothing to worry about — even if you find yourself in the throes of this very uncommon situation.

It is possible that you may feel a burning sensation if your skin comes into contact with a stink bug’s ‘spray’, which they will eject when they feel threatened. And this will generally only happen if you have an open wound or sore that touches the smelly liquid.

It is possible that you may feel a burning sensation if your skin comes into contact with a stink bug’s ‘spray’, which they will eject when they feel threatened. And this will generally only happen if you have an open wound or sore that touches the smelly liquid.

More likely than not, though, any burning sensation you might experience from having a stink bug spray smelly liquid on you should soon wear off. However, if a severe reaction occurs, then it would be very wise for you to contact a medical professional as soon as possible.

You should also be aware of the brown marmorated stink bug, which is a species that has invaded the United States after being brought in from Asia. This particular stink bug can cause allergic reactions in some people.

It does this by spraying its smell in the same way that other stink bugs do. However, the spray of the marmorated stink bug is an aero-allergen, which means that it can cause irritation and inflammation of the mucus membranes in the face, and result in rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

Beware the Assassin

Very often confused with stink bugs, assassin bugs are a predatory insects that prey on other species. And this means assassin bugs will bite humans whenever they are handled. The bite of the assassin bug can be painful, and your body may swell slightly to deal with the toxin it emits.

Very often confused with stink bugs, assassin bugs are a predatory insects that prey on other species.

However, just like stink bugs, the bark of an assassin bug is bigger than its bite. And this means more often than not, you won’t require medical attention if this is an unfortunate occurrence.

Of course, not everyone is the same, so some people may experience anaphylactic shock, resulting in severe swelling, hives, or breathing difficulties. If that’s the case, then you should call a medical professional immediately.

Burning Issue

Many species of both stink bugs and assassin bugs are considered to be beneficial to the environment, and your garden, because they will eat the eggs, larvae, nymphs, and adults of other common garden pests.

So, although they can feel like a real nuisance, simply exercise caution when you find one in your garden or home. Don’t try to touch or squash them, because they will emit their pungent odor. Instead, place damp towels over your lawn chairs or porch railings overnight.

In the morning, you’ll find that the dampened towels will be covered in stink bugs, and you can throw them away after soaking them in a bucket of soapy water. If you have a stink bug problem in the home, then use sticky traps just as you would combat a cockroach problem.


So, do stink bugs burn your skin? Only if you happen to be unlucky, and so that’s one less thing to worry about!