Does Termite Treatment Kill Ants?

The problem of termites and ants plagues millions of homeowners each year. A wide range of damage can be caused to the supporting wood around your home by both carpenter ants and termites.

Perhaps you bought termite pesticide, and now you have an ant infestation. Can you use the termite spray?

Does termite treatment kill ants?

  • It depends on the pesticide, some will work and some will not
  • It also depends on the type of ant you’re dealing with (e.g. carpenter ants, fire ants, black garden ants, etc.)
  • Vinegar and boric acid are perfect for killing both types of pests
  • Prevention methods can help to eliminate both types of pests

We’ll explain it all below.

Does Termite Treament Kill Ants?

Macro Termite shiny black background

Some termite sprays will kill ants, while others will not. It all depends on what you’re using, and what specific pests you’re dealing with!

Other insects such as ants, can be killed with the same pesticides that kill termites, but it’s not guaranteed to work. For example, many companies make pesticides that will work on both carpenter ants and termites. But these are unlikely to work on, for example, fire ants.

Termite treatments in general should not be used to control ant infestations. These two types of pests attack homes differently, and their food and living arrangements also differ.  

Termite treatments in general should not be used to control ant infestations. These two types of pests attack homes differently, and their food and living arrangements also differ.  

In order to completely eradicate an ant colony from the house, you’ll need to do a careful inspection. You have to uncover its entryway, which usually appears as a thin pile of sawdust. 

If the nest has been located, you or your pest control expert will need to use the appropriate insecticides or otherwise remove the nest.

The treatment of termites is different from that of carpenter ants because rather than searching for nest entrances, as with carpenter ants, termites use “mud tubes” to seal the entrances to their nests. 

The treatment of termites is different from that of carpenter ants because rather than searching for nest entrances, as with carpenter ants, termites use “mud tubes” to seal the entrances to their nests. 

By finding these special pathways and access points through careful inspection, outside mud enclosures can be baited. The treatments are different.

Your Home Can Be Protected From Ants and Termites

Male flying carpenter ant

There are many ways to protect your home from ants and termites. Take a look at the options below.

Using Vinegar

There are many uses for vinegar. In addition to removing bacteria and tackling fruit flies, vinegar also works as a natural insecticide against ants. You can use it to help get rid of ants in the following ways: 

  1. Mix White vinegar and water in equal parts.
  2. Use it to spray areas where there are a lot of ants. 
  3. Use it to clean hard surfaces such as countertops or floors.

The smell of vinegar messes with ant pheromone signaling systems and will interrupt an infestation. The smell will linger for quite a while before the solution dries. Due to their dislike of the smell and the confusion it causes, they will leave.

Vinegar can also be used to kill termites. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Mix two lemons and half a cup of vinegar. 
  2. Spray any areas where evidence of termite infestation is present. It will kill them if they are exposed to the acid. 

Regular use will prevent termites from invading your home.

Note that termite infestations are often quite serious, and you should not be messing around with home remedies for any significant termite issues. You should be calling in professionals before the problem gets too bad, as termites can cause major damage!

Note that termite infestations are often quite serious, and you should not be messing around with home remedies for any significant termite issues. You should be calling in professionals before the problem gets too bad, as termites can cause major damage!

Insecticides Can Be Used

In terms of removing termites and ants, this is probably the fastest method. As a matter of fact, it’s probably what you grab the first time you notice a problem.

Insecticides kill pests quickly, which makes them useful. The toxin is carried by the ants and termites and transmitted to their colonies. 

If you have an existing termite spray and you’ve got an ant infestation, try to figure out the type of ant, and see if that spray works on that ant. Because there are so many commercial product variations, it’s hard to say whether any one will work, unless the manufacturer expresses that it will.

Exterminating Strategies for Termites

There are three different methods of exterminating termites or a combination of them. Those include: 

1. Termite Baits

 It is possible to install these baits underground or close to the soil in crawl spaces. The worker termites consume the bait’s poison returning it to the colony, where it is consumed by the queen and her offspring, resulting in the colony’s extinction.

2. Soil Treatment

The topsoil is infected with termiticide during soil treatment. In the process of moving through the soil, the treatment poisons them.  

3. Wood Treatments 

A wood treatment destroys an active infestation by targeting infested wood. As well as preventing future infestations, it helps eliminate them altogether.

Personalized Treatment for Ants 

Carpenter ants are also included in the list of pests that are controlled by several sprays marketed for termite control, but many other types of ants will not be impacted by termiticides.

It is important to note that both the amount and direction of application, however, will depend on the insect being treated.


It is important to locate and exterminate the nest of ants to eliminate an infestation. In some cases, termite treatment can kill ants, but many times these treatments will not work. 

If you’re under a serious infestation, it’s best to call in a professional and to use the products specifically designed to target that pest. That way, you’re not randomly adding poisons to the environment that won’t even do anything.

Stick to the stuff that works!