How Many Eyes Do Mosquitoes Have? How Do They See?

Mosquitoes are one of those insects that are omnipresent evil. They seem to be able to see everything around them and attack at will. This may lead some to wonder about these annoying insects and their vision.

So, we ask, how many eyes do mosquitoes have? How do they seem to find our tasty blood so easily?

  • Mosquitoes have two compound eyes.
  • Each of their eyes has hundreds of small lenses that allow them to detect motion easily
  • A mosquito has all these eyes, but still has a disrupted view that offers less focus.

In this article, we’ll take a close look at mosquito eyes, and mosquito sight.

How Many Eyes Do Mosquitoes Have?

Mosquitoes have just two eyes, but each eye is made up of thousands of lenses. These lenses serve different functions that allow mosquitoes to navigate their environment and hunt for food.

Before we can even talk about how they see, understanding the mosquito’s eye’s construction is key. These winged insects have two eyes, but each is outfitted with hundreds of small lenses.

These small lenses give the insect a fractal view, allowing for less focus.

Even though they have a fractured view, the extra lenses do allow them to be able to monitor motion extremely effectively. However, because of the multiple lenses, their eyes cannot detect texture very well.

Diving deeper into the construction of these lenses, you will find that some have specific functions.

For example, among the hundreds of lenses, some are photosensitive. These lenses work almost like a radar system to separate things easier due to the way light interacts with that object.

Other lenses detect heat, which lets them find our tasty, tasty blood so easily.

But their eyes are not the only thing that helps with their vision! So let’s look at how they see so that perhaps we can understand how to prevent them from being a nuisance.

How Do Mosquitos See?

The truth is mosquitoes can see, but as we said above, it’s not the only thing that they use to be able to find things. Most mosquitoes can see things up to about 32 feet away. To be more accurate, these insects aks use the following capabilities:

1. Co2

One of the ways that mosquitoes “see” things is via smell. In particular, they utilize carbon dioxide when they’re looking for sustenance. The mosquito’s antennae are outfitted with sense organs that directly seek out this smell. 

One of the ways that mosquitoes “see” things is via smell.

Because humans and animals exhale carbon dioxide, mosquitoes have powerful sensors that can easily detect this. Though not definitive, it has been shown that some mosquitoes can sense this gas up to 150 feet, and it is often the first thing they use to begin locating prey.

2. Scents

When humans and other animals sweat, they release odors. Much like carbon dioxide gas, mosquito antenna can detect these odors. The smell draws them toward the location of prey.

Though this is not directly related to sight, they use their bodies in multiple ways to locate things, similar to the multiple senses humans use to navigate the world. 

Of course, these senses can be used against mosquitoes. For example, mosquitoes are repelled by the scent of marigold, which you can plant to keep mosquitoes at bay.

3. Heat

Along with being able to track a scent, mosquitoes are able to detect body heat as well. Almong with vision, scent, and CO2 detection, mosquitoes can detect heat. This allows them to find their meals very easily once they are close enough.

This is why they are attracted to not only humans but also the heat of light bulbs and fires.

Color and Mosquitos Sight

Another question you might have been thinking about when it comes to mosquito vision is if they see in color.

Even though they have photosensitive eyes, mosquitoes cannot detect color in and of itself. They can detect dark and light due to those photosensitive lenses.

Mosquitoes cannot detect color in and of itself. They can detect dark and light due to those photosensitive lenses.

Studies have shown that mosquitoes tend to gravitate towards darker colors, though it isn’t the color itself, but the shade that is so enticing.

So basically, mosquitoes have no color attraction whatsoever. 

All that said, it is possible that lighter-colored clothing may be of less interest to mosquitoes than darker colors. But the other issues like CO2 detection and heat detection significantly overpower color and shade.

Use Mosquito Sight Against Them

It might seem to some to be irrelevant even to figure out how mosquitoes see where you go! However, by understanding the mechanics of their eyes and how they locate things, you can figure out how to prevent them from being present, or dining on our tender flesh.

There are plenty of traps for mosquitoes that take into account location systems as well as their vision.

Of course, it is also a good point to ensure there’s no standing water and maintain your gutters! Any small amount of standing water can become a mosquito metropolis. If you want to keep your mosquito population down, this is step number one. Of course, if you live near standing water like a swamp, well there may not be much you can do other than screen-in your porch.


Studies show mosquitoes have two eyes outfitted with multiple lenses within them. Along with their eyes, they use their antennae for scent and heat detection. 

Though they don’t have traditionally “good” eyesight, they can see well to a range of about 30 feet. The actual eyesight capability of a mosquito will depend on its exterior more than its actual capabilities.

Understanding how mosquitoes find and hunt prey (i.e. you) can help you keep the mosquito population under control.