How Many Mosquitoes Do Dragonflies Eat?

Dragonflies are amazing insects that for centuries have been used as a symbol of happiness, new beginnings, growth, maturity, and the ability to change in the art of many indigenous and ancient cultures.

Dragonflies are in a category of beloved insects along with butterflies and ladybugs. Many people love their beauty. We see beyond the fact that they’re insects, which many of us are afraid of. They’re also harmless to humans, which may be the reason why they’ve been such revered creatures among nature’s pests.

And did you know that they eat one of the most hated insects in the world, the mosquito?

How many mosquitoes do dragonflies eat? Dragonflies don’t eat any adult mosquitoes. But they feast on mosquito nymphs, eating hundreds per day. Dragonflies help control the mosquito population.

We’ll explain below.

Dragonflies and Mosquitoes

In almost every old society in the world, dragonflies have symbolized the deeper understanding of self that comes with the maturity of life, as well as the change and potential that new beginnings bring, along with good luck, prosperity, harmony, fortune, and overall happiness.

This is why, unlike other insects, (with the exception of bees perhaps) whenever you think of or see a dragonfly with its striking color and amazing aerial skills, it will bring a smile to your face, as well as brighten up your day.

On the other hand, most people hate mosquitoes, and as soon as you hear the buzzing in your ear, it can send you into full-on panic mode! Luckily though, mosquitoes are a favorite meal of many natural predators, who feast on these little vampires so that they don’t feed on you.

Most people hate mosquitoes, and as soon as you hear the buzzing in your ear, it can send you into panic mode. Luckily though, mosquitoes are a favorite meal of many natural predators, who feast on these little vampires so that they don’t feed on you.

Some mosquito predators include bats, birds, fish, turtles, damselflies, and spiders that are able to capture mosquitoes in their webs.

But there is another amazing mosquito predator that goes about it a different way: the dragonfly.

How Many Mosquitoes Do Dragonflies Eat?

The most beautiful mosquito predator of all is the dragonfly. It is also known as the mosquito hawk, because they hang out in aquatic areas and feed on the larvae hatched from eggs that the females lay.

So, although dragonflies don’t eat adult mosquitoes, they feast on the nymphs that have hatched in stagnant water.

Dragonflies are awe-inspiring insects! But besides their beauty, they are also ferocious predators of mosquitoes. In fact, some dragonflies can eat hundreds of these pesky mosquito eggs every day, all the while looking beautiful as they fly around.

Some dragonflies can eat hundreds of these pesky mosquito eggs every day, all the while looking beautiful as they fly around.

Larger dragonflies are even capable of eating their own weight in bugs each day, with mosquitoes making up the vast portion of their meals. However, they will also dine on moths, midges, butterflies, and bees to satisfy their hunger.

By filling up on mosquitoes, dragonflies are able to fly at speeds of up to 30 miles an hour, which isn’t a mean feat for such a small and delicate creature.

They are also amazing at flying for such tiny insects. Their delicate wings are capable of flying even across oceans, and they can move in any direction, as well as change direction in an instant. An experienced adult dragonfly can move upward, downward, forward, and backward, as well as to the left and right.

Their delicate wings are capable of flying even across oceans, and they can move in any direction, as well as change direction in an instant.

So, how else are dragonflies able to eat so many mosquitoes in one day? Well, they have a unique set of eyes that help them do this, which take up most of the space on the surface of their heads.

And each one of their eyes contains thousands of lenses, which work to give them a panoramic view that helps them to target prey from as far as 40 feet away — in any direction.


So, how many mosquitoes do dragonflies eat?

Well, if it’s a bigger dragonfly, then it can actually consume the same amount of mosquitoes that equal its body weight. But overall, most will eat up to hundreds a day to satisfy their hunger.

The dragonfly is an amazing insect, so if one comes across your path, say hello and thank it for helping to control the mosquito population wherever you are! And then revel in the good luck and fortune coming your way after your visitation.