How to Find a Cockroach Nest

The Cockroach is an insect that is a member of a group called Blattodea. It has six legs and two antennae and can fly or jump. It can also produce sounds by rubbing its abdomen against its wings, which helps it communicate with other roaches. 

  • According to a study, Cockroaches have been around for over 300 million years. 
  • They have managed to survive this long despite all the natural disasters and climate changes.
  • Cockroaches particularly exist in the tropical and subtropical regions. 

They are one of the most common insects in the world that can be found in every region of the world except Antarctica. They are known for their ability to adapt to any environment, and they can live in almost any habitat, particularly in your house!

In this article, we’ll look at how to find a cockroach nest. The first step to eradicating roaches is to understand where they are hiding, and where they are breeding.

Let’s begin.

Types of Cockroaches

There are many different types of cockroaches. They are classified based on where they live, their size, and the shape of their bodies. The most common roaches in the United States are the American Roach, Oriental Roach, Brown Banded Roach, and German Roach. 

These four roaches can be found in homes and businesses. They prefer to live in moist environments such as under sinks or leaky pipes.

What Does a Cockroach Nest Look Like?

Cockroach nests are made up of individual cockroaches that live together in an enclosed area.

Dark, Dank, Wet Places

Roaches form large colonies where numerous cockroaches live (along with some dead bodies). The female cockroaches also lay eggs in the nest that is mostly in the dark corners of your house.

They like to set up shop in dark, wet areas near food. Kitchens are an extremely common location for infestations, as there are often many bits of crumbs, food waste, and water nearby.

This combination is incredibly important for roach breeding. If they have sufficient resources to expand their colony, watch out! Roach infestations can spread really quickly and overwhelm you with a sudden influx of endless roaches.

Roach Droppings

You may also find plenty of roach droppings within their colonies or (watch out in messy bedrooms where you might eat food). 

Usually, the droppings of cockroaches are like black pepper or coffee grounds. If you see droppings accumulated somewhere, it means that a specific place is the highest activity place for cockroaches and a nest.

If you see droppings accumulated somewhere, it means that a specific place is the highest activity place for cockroaches and a nest.

Roach Husks

Roaches molt several times during their lifecycle, leaving their empty husks behind. These husks are commonly seen near a roach nest, and are a good visual clue that roaches may have setup shop in the area.

Dead Roaches

Roaches are nocturnal, and really prefer to stay away from any light sources. Consequently, they are often hidden and out of sight. You’re often not even aware of them until the infestation has gotten so great that they are showing when you switch on a light.

But sometimes you find dead roaches along with those roach husks. Keep in mind, though, that roaches can play dead and roaches are also cannibalistic, so you may find roaches eating a dead roach. Lovely!

Cockroach Nests

Cockroach colonies can be found in all types of places, from sewers to trash cans, from inside your microwave to inside cardboard boxes. They can even squeeze inside the carpets or loose wallpapers to establish their nests.

Roaches prefer crowded and hemmed-in spaces where they can live without interference or disturbance. In severe cockroach infestations, you may find cockroach nests in your home appliances or wardrobes.

The colonies of cockroaches also emit an unpleasant or musty odor.

How to Find a Cockroach Nest

There are many ways to find a cockroach nest. One way is to leave out food as a lure and watch for the roaches to come. Another way is to look for their droppings and egg cases.

Cockroaches leave their droppings in a line where they walk, so if you see this, you know there is a cockroach nest nearby.

Cockroaches leave their droppings in a line where they walk, so if you see this, you know there is a cockroach nest nearby.

You can also use an insect flashlight that emits black or UV light. Roaches have an exoskeleton reflecting UV light. So if you shine the light on the ground, you will see them in areas with large concentrations of roaches.

Moreover, you may look for water leaks as well.

Cockroaches need water to survive and often congregate around these leaks because they need moisture.

Signs that You Might Have a Roach Infestation in Your Home

Cockroaches feed on human food, garbage, and organic matter. As a result, they can cause allergic reactions in some people, and they are considered one of the most hated household pests worldwide.

They can be found in all 50 states and are considered a public health risk. 

As mentioned above, They usually nest in dark, moist areas and are mainly active at night. There are many signs that you might have a roach infestation in your home that are usually visible to the naked eye.

If you have a serious infestation, then you might see the following signs:

Droppings or dead skins of roaches on the surface

Cockroach droppings are small brown or black pellets that appear as tiny dots on surfaces. They can be found in places such as behind appliances, inside cupboards, under sinks, corners of rooms, and along baseboards.

Their droppings often contain bacteria that can lead to food poisoning.

Food Crumbs Everywhere

Cockroaches will feed on any food left overnight, such as crumbs on a countertop or spilled cereal under a table. A cockroach infestation is likely if you see them feeding during the day.

Clean up those crumbs, people!

Clean up those crumbs, people!

Suspicious Cracks

Cockroaches often live in dark, moist areas near food and water sources. Inspect cracks, crevices, and other dark areas where cockroaches may hide during the day. Think under the baseboards, behind the sink vanity, etc.

You may also find cockroach egg cases on countertops or window sills.

House Smells Funky

Cockroach infestations are not just a nuisance. They can also be smelly. A foul smell emerging from the kitchen or bathroom is a potential sign of cockroach infestation.

Holes in Food Packaging

You may also find some small, round holes in food packaging or containers that they feed on.

Easy Steps to Eliminate Roaches

Cockroaches can live anywhere within your home, from your kitchen and bathroom to your basement or attic. They are sneaky and skilled at hiding.

They may be in your home for quite a while without you knowing it. 

There are many ways to get rid of cockroaches – traps, poison baits, insecticides – but knowing which method is suitable for your needs is important. The best way to get rid of roaches is to use the following easy steps:

  1. Seal any holes or cracks in the house where they might be coming from.
  2. Vacuum all cracks, crevices, dead roaches, and droppings.
  3. Fill up any gaps where roaches might hide with a mixture of boric acid powder and sugar water.
  4. Invest in some cockroach traps, which can be found at your local hardware store or online. These traps work by luring them with a sweet treat and then killing them with poisonous bait.
  5. Clean up food sources like crumbs or spills around the house and put away any open food containers.
  6. Use a cockroach trap to lure them into a container where they will die and dispose of them outside your home.
  7. Use pesticides to kill them off. It’s wise to stick to those made specifically for roaches
  8. Get rid of any food that they might find attractive. This includes pet food, crumbs, and any other food that might be left out in your home.
  9. Trimming the bushes and clearing up the vents will also reduce their shelter spaces.

The Lifecycle of a Cockroach

Cockroaches are also known for their long-life span, which is up to two years. Normally, a cockroach has three stages in its complete life cycle: egg, nymph, and adult. We have put together a full article on the life cycle of a roach, but here’s the short version:

The first stage is the egg. The female can lay anywhere from 10 to 40 eggs at one time. There are no Cockroach Queens: all female roaches can breed.

After the eggs have been laid, she covers them with a protective layer of secretion that hardens into a shell-like coating called an ootheca.

Depending on the type of roach, the ootheca may be carried under the body or planted in a hidden space until they hatch into nymphs.

The eggs are laid in batches and hatch within one to two weeks. When the eggs hatch, they go through three stages before becoming adults: the first instar, second instar, and third instar.

First Instar Stage

It is the stage of a cockroach’s life when it sheds its skin or molts. The Cockroach will grow larger and shed its skin six times before it reaches the adult stage.

Second Instar Stage

It is the stage of a cockroach’s life where it eats solid food. Cockroaches in this stage are usually about 1/4 inch long and have developed wings. They will molt approximately three more times before becoming fully developed.

The second stage of the Cockroach’s life cycle is the nymphs. The nymphs look like smaller versions of adults, but they don’t have wings, and they do not have fully developed reproductive organs. For about two weeks after they hatch, these baby roaches need their mother’s care until they reach maturity, which takes about two months on average.

During this stage, they start to feed on anything available to them. After molting several times, they reach the final stage. The Cockroach becomes an adult and is ready to start mating and laying its eggs. When the male dies, it leaves behind a spermatophore which is then picked up by a female who will fertilize her eggs with it before laying them in batches again.

Third Instar Stage

It is the final molt for cockroaches before they reach adulthood. This is also when their wings are fully developed and they can fly or jump.

After going through all these stages, they become sexually mature adults and start mating.


It can be difficult to find a roach nest, but if you follow the clues like roach droppings, roach husks, dead roaches, you’ll be able to locate the source of the issue.

Just keep in mind that

Most of the stated methods to get rid of Cockroaches can be difficult, time-consuming, and costly. Therefore, if you have a lot of cockroaches in your home, it is better to contact a professional exterminator than try to do it yourself.

Good luck!