How to Keep Bugs Out Of Your House in Summer

Bugs are insects that belong to the class Insecta and are classified as arthropods. In general, true bugs belong to the order Hemiptera. They can be found in environments such as oceans, forests, and even houses. There are many types of bugs, with most being small and ground-dwelling.

If you’re wondering how to keep bugs out of your house in summer, we’ve got you covered!

Here is some Bugs 101:

  • Bugs require constant supplies of food, water, and shelter to survive.
  • Approximately ten quintillion bugs exist on earth, and Titan beetles are one of the largest bugs of their kind.
  • There’s no way to keep all bugs out of your house all the time, but with care, you can control infestations.

Bugs have been around for millions of years and are still present today. All bugs’ life cycles begin as eggs which hatch into nymphs, then finally into adults. There is no specific place where bugs live. They can be found in any habitat where there is food and water. 

Many different types of bugs, such as ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, spiders, and beetles, can potentially infest your home. Surprisingly, the total population of humans doesn’t even make up a fraction of the total population of bugs on the planet.

So let’s discuss what you can do to keep bugs out your house in summer.

What is a Bug Infestation?

A bug infestation is the invasion of bugs in a particular area that can cause health or dwelling problems. A common type of bug infestation is a termite infestation that can devastate a home or building. 

Termites are small, brownish insects that feed on wood. They are typically found in moist or damp areas and will chew through wood, paper, and other substances from the inside out.

Termites are not only destructive, but they also smell bad, which can be an indication of their presence in your home or building.

Do Bugs Infest During Summer?

Summer is the perfect time for insects and bugs to infest our homes. It is a time when the temperature is too high for them to survive comfortably outside. Several factors contribute to the prevalence of summer bugs. 

They are attracted to the coolness of our home and our food. Summer bugs include fruit flies, mosquitoes, ants, spiders, and other small insects.

These bugs are annoying and in rare cases can also be dangerous to humans. Bugs like mosquitoes can be highly dangerous if they carry diseases like malaria or dengue fever, and fire ants and spiders may have deadly poison.

Moreover, the heat and humidity make them stronger, not weaker. 

Mosquitoes are the most common bug that infests during summer. They can live in water and feed on human blood, which is why they are more active during this season. The warmer temperatures and higher humidity levels in the air allow mosquitoes to survive longer, while pools of stagnant water provide a breeding ground for other insects. 

Furthermore, ants also infest during summer as they can’t survive outside their colonies for long periods.

Flies and spiders also infest during summer as they have an increased activity rate due to the heat and humidity. 

Likewise, bedbugs can be found anywhere, but their population increases in summer because it is easier for them to survive with all the heat and humidity around them.

How to Keep Bugs Out Of Your House In Summer

We all know that bugs are a real nuisance when summer rolls around. They like to come out of their hiding spots and set up shop in our homes and garages.

We all know that bugs are a real nuisance when summer rolls around. They like to come out of their hiding spots and set up shop in our homes and garages.

And if you live in a humid climate, you can be sure that plenty of them will buzz around your home. 

So how do we prevent these pesky critters from entering our house? Here are some of the ways through which you can prevent bugs from invading your house:

1. Use Insecticide

The summer season is the time when the bugs are most active. Using insecticides is one of the most common ways to keep bugs out of the house. Insecticides are used in many ways and for different purposes. 

They are sprayed or used as foggers and also as bait. Insecticides are substances capable of killing insects or other arthropods, such as spiders, scorpions, cockroaches, and ticks. The term usually refers to chemical compounds designed to kill such pests on contact without harming humans or the environment. 

Some insecticides have only one active ingredient, while others may have several active ingredients that work synergistically to increase their effectiveness and lower their toxicity levels.

2. Seal Off All Entries

Ensure that all windows and doors are sealed as tightly as possible so that bugs don’t have any gaps to enter through when you’re not home or sleeping.

All penetrations for plumbing pipes, HVAC lines, electric lines, etc. can be pathways for bugs to get in the house. Seal these off with spray foam or caulking.

The best way to seal off a doorway is with a door that closes tightly and has a screen door on it, which will keep bugs out of the house. However, there are other ways to seal off all entrances to your home to keep bugs out. You can use caulking or putty to fill any cracks or gaps around windows and doors. 

You can also install a door sweep on top of the bottom of your door to prevent bugs from coming in when you open it.

3. Bug Zapper

A bug zapper is a very effective way to keep bugs out of your house. It is a device that uses light to attract bugs and then electrocutes them with a high-voltage electrical current. There are many types of bug zappers, but the most common design is a box with an electric grid on one side and an ultraviolet light bulb on the other. 

A bug zapper is a very effective way to keep bugs out.

The electric grid is charged with high voltage, and bugs that fly too close to it get electrocuted or burned by the UV light. You can use a bug zapper to kill mosquitoes, flies, beetles, moths, and other flying insects. Bug zappers are designed to also work outdoors and are available in many different shapes and sizes, depending on your needs. 

They can be used as an alternative to insecticides for killing mosquitoes and other flying bugs that might otherwise enter your home or yard.

4. Keep your House Clean

Keeping your house clean will make it less attractive to bugs. Bugs love dirty places and will be attracted to your house if you don’t keep it clean. Make sure that you vacuum the floor and wipe down surfaces regularly. Wiping down surfaces with vinegar can also help eliminate many bugs in your home. 

Keeping the outside of the home clean and free from clutter is also highly recommended. It will help prevent pests from finding their way into the home. Also, empty the trash cans regularly. If there’s a lot of trash in your garbage can, bugs will likely hang around. So, please keep it clean by changing it weekly and ensuring there’s not too much food available.

5. Seal the food

Another important step is to ensure that all food products are stored in airtight containers and sealed with an airtight lid or stored in the refrigerator or freezer if possible. It will prevent bugs from accessing food sources within your home and prevent food odors from attracting them. 

Bugs are always looking for new sources of food. Ultimately, they are attracted to the smell of the food and find their way into the packaging by piercing tiny holes in it. If you have any food lying around the floor or countertops, it will likely attract some bugs. 

Make sure that you don’t leave any standing water outside so that it doesn’t attract mosquitoes and other insects that may breed in standing water. 

6. Use Citronella Candles

Citronella candles are a great way to keep bugs out of the house. These candles are made with citronella oil which keeps bugs away. They create a scent that is not only pleasant but also natural. You can light one or two candles on a table near your front. They are a good alternative to chemical-based repellents that are used anywhere. 

The use of citronella candles is not limited only to bug prevention.

The use of citronella candles is not limited only to bug prevention. They are also used for decoration, aromatherapy, and cooking. Some people use them as mosquito repellent for their backyard or garden.

7. Remove Potted Plants

We all know that plants are great for the environment as they provide oxygen and help increase air quality. Potted plants are one of the most popular ways to spruce up a living space. 

Unfortunately, they can attract bugs, especially when full of water or soil, providing fertile ground for these insects to breed. Keeping the house clean and free of bugs is a difficult task. When we remove these plants from the house during summer, we can keep the house free of insects. 

A study by the University of California researchers stated that potted plants are a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes, which can transmit diseases like dengue fever and Zika virus.

8. Ensure The Grading Around Your House is Appropriate

You should have at least 1′ of foundation between the ground and the first layer of siding on your home. If you don’t have this, then bugs can easily traverse the 1′ space and get from the ground into the wood of your house. It is always recommended to keep some distance between the ground and the first floor of your home.


Keeping bugs out of the house during the summer is critical because they can threaten the health and well-being of humans and pets. No, there’s no way to keep all bugs out, but you can take action to control infestations, and to prevent bugs that do come in from breeding.

If you don’t want to make your house feel like an infested mess, then you can implement the prevention methods discussed above for a happy, healthy living space.