How to Wash Bananas to Prevent Fruit Flies

If you’ve ever had a problem with pesky fruit flies, you know how annoying they can be! And they can be a real pain to get rid of. One way to help prevent these little critters from invading your home is to wash your produce and make sure it doesn’t rot

Believe it or not, this simple step can make a big difference.

In this article, we’re going to go over how to wash bananas to prevent fruit flies.

How certain should you be that your cleaning will prevent the fruit flies from spoiling your banana? This article will discuss, among other things:

  • How to wash bananas
  • How to store bananas
  • When to freeze overripe bananas

It’s pretty simple, just like it sounds. So, keep reading to learn how best to prevent fruit flies from attacking your bananas by simply washing them right. 

Produce and Fruit Flies

Fruit flies typically lay their hundreds of eggs directly on and in fruit (particularly if the skin is cracked and the interior is exposed). So if you can clean the outside of the banana and keep an eye out for rot and decay, you should be all set.

Note that if your banana has started to rot and fruit flies are flying around, they have infested the banana and you should just throw it out. You can try using a proper fruit fly trap in order to get them under control.

If your banana is getting really ripe but you still don’t want to eat it now, peel it and freeze it. Don’t just leave it!

How to Wash Bananas to Prevent Fruit Flies

Washing bananas is pretty straightforward. All you need to do is follow the steps below, and you’ll be done in a minute. Let’s get started. 

1. Fill a Bowl or Sink with Clean Water 

The first step is to fill a bowl with clean water. If you’re using a bowl, make sure it’s big enough to fit all the bananas you want to wash. If not, you can always use the sink.

Just ensure that the basin is clean before filling it up with water.

2. Wash Your Hands 

Ensure your hands are clean before handling the bananas. This avoids transferring any dirt or bacteria from your hands to the fruit. 

If you have recently washed your hands, there’s no need to do it again. But if not, wash with soap and water. Hand sanitizer is not sufficient, use soap and water.

Then, dry them off using a clean kitchen towel or paper towel. 

4. Place the Bananas in the Water 

After ensuring that your hands are clean, it’s time to place the bananas in the bowl or sink of water. Let them soak for a minute or two. This will help to remove any dirt or pesticides that might be on the surface of the fruit. 

What about soap?

You don’t necessarily need to use soap with bananas, but you can. You won’t be eating the peel, so it doesn’t really matter. The goal isn’t to clean the fruit, of pesticides, but rather to clean any potential fruit fly eggs from the banana.

Water is typically sufficient.

5. Remove the Bananas from the Water 

Once the bananas have soaked for a few minutes, it’s time to remove them from the water. Carefully take each one out and place them on a clean kitchen towel or paper towel. 

6. Dry The Bananas 

The next step is to dry off the bananas. You can simply pat them down with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel. Make sure they’re completely dry before storing them away or eating them. 

7. Store Your Banana Properly 

Washing is essential but still, how you store your bananas matters. After washing and drying them, you need to store them in a cool, dry place.

Ideally, they will be hanging like they would on a tree. This will make them ripen more slowly.

You can put them in the fridge or in a fruit basket on the counter. Just make sure they’re not in direct sunlight. 

How you store your bananas matters. After washing and drying them, you need to store them in a cool, dry place.

Don’t store them closer to an open window as well. This is because the fruit flies are attracted to the bananas by the scent. So, if they’re close to an open window, the fruit flies will be able to smell them and come into your home. 

Why Do Fruit Flies Attack Unwashed Bananas? 

Fruit flies are attracted to bananas by the scent. They can smell the bananas from a distance and will be drawn to them. Fruit flies don’t have mouths, but they “drink” the nectar from fruits and veggies, and lay their eggs right nearby.

If you have unwashed bananas, there are likely traces of dirt or pesticides on them. This can attract fruit flies into your home. 

Additionally, if the bananas are stored in a warm place, this can also attract fruit flies. This is because they’re attracted to the warmth as well as the scent of the fruit. 


If you eat a lot of bananas, or if you often end up with over-ripe bananas on the counter, it’s definitely worth washing your bananas. This will ensure no fruit fly eggs are on them.

But if your bananas are overripe, you should peel them and freeze them to use them in smoothies. Leaving bananas that are already going on the counter for one more day is a recipe for fruit fly infestation!