Preparation H for Mosquito Bites: Does It Help?

A topical application seems to be the best option for mosquito bites. Sure, there are plenty of products like AfterBite and StingEase available, but are there any home remedies? Does Preparation H for mosquito bites work?

Yes, Preparation H can help soothe mosquito bites. This is where Preparation H will come to the rescue:

  • It will help against itching and swelling
  • Preparation H is easy to apply to the bite area
  • It can be stored for a long time

Read on to find out how Preparation H will help you the next time you are camping, or if you’ve just been bitten by a bloodsucker.

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Do Mosquitoes Come Out at Night?

There are times when mosquitoes are not active, and then there are times when mosquitoes emerge in ungodly amounts from their hiding places. It often seems like mosquitoes get worse after sundown, but is that true?

Do mosquitoes come out at night?

Mosquitoes often come out at night, but depending on the species and location, will come out during the day in shaded areas as well.

Here are the basics:

  • Sunrises, sunsets, and nighttime are the most common times for mosquitoes to feed.
  • When the sun is out during midday, they’re rarely active, as direct sunlight and extreme temperatures rapidly dehydrate them.
  • Depending on the species, mosquitoes may also be active at different times.

When it comes to avoiding mosquitoes, it’s important to know when they’re most active in your area, the seasons when mosquitoes are most active, and what times of day mosquitoes tend to be active. 

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Why Do Centipedes Have So Many Legs?

Common house centipedes always get a bad rap. And it’s pretty understandable because they can look really intimidating, potentially poison you, and travel at such fast speeds that they can cause terror. 

But these (mostly) innocuous creatures aren’t as creepy as you might believe, even if they have so many creepy-looking legs.

And what’s with the legs? Why do centipedes have so many legs?

Only natural selection can say why, exactly. But centipedes use their many legs for speed to catch prey — and to escape from being prey! As they mature, they add segments to their bodies rather than make their existing bodies bigger.

In this article, I’ll dig into the creepy crawly details of centipede legs!

Why Do Centipedes Have So Many Legs? Read More »

What Does A Centipede Nest Look Like? Do They Breed In Nests?

So you’ve been seeing centipedes in your house recently. Yuck! That can lead you to believe that your house is completely infested with centipedes. If so, can you find the nest where they breed?

What does a centipede nest look like?

It’s common to think that, like other insects such as ants, termites, or wasps, centipedes form nests. However, unlike the other insects that form nests and return to them daily, centipedes don’t form that kind of nest. 

They would only have a “nest” if they would reproduce. That involves laying about 15-60 eggs at a time. To summarize, it simply looks like the centipede with the eggs.

Let’s describe that further below. 

What Does A Centipede Nest Look Like? Do They Breed In Nests? Read More »

Silverfish Vs Centipede: How Can You Tell Them Apart?

If you see a slimy-looking insect with lots of legs darting quickly across your kitchen, bathroom, or basement floor, it may startle and alarm you. But it could also cause confusion because it can be hard to tell exactly what it is you saw.

Both silverfish and centipedes can be found in these places, as well as hide in other dark and damp crevices in your home. They both have different qualities — some that you may even find beneficial, while others could completely gross you out.

So, what’s the difference between these two fast and creepy crawling creatures? In this article, I’ll answer this question for you, as I take a closer look at silverfish vs centipede.

Silverfish Vs Centipede: How Can You Tell Them Apart? Read More »

Are Centipedes Poisonous To Dogs?

Centipedes are a common pest in homes and apartments. They’re freaky crawling monsters with a powerful poison. They typically only attack to feed or if they feel threatened, and rarely attack humans. However, what if your dog goes after one?

Are centipedes poisonous to dogs?

Yes, the bite of some centipedes may be dangerous to some dogs. But it’s rare for dogs to be bitten, and much depends on the size and type of the centipede, as well as the size of the dog. Centipedes won’t likely attack a dog but may retaliate if the dog is going after the centipede.

I’ll go over the details below.

Are Centipedes Poisonous To Dogs? Read More »

Do Centipedes Eat Roaches?

Most people don’t like bugs, although there are a few exceptions to this rule, like bees, ladybugs, praying mantises, and dragonflies. Many find these bugs fascinating and beautiful, and also beneficial to Mother Nature herself.

But centipedes and roaches are usually not on the “like” list!

Do centipedes eat roaches?

If you spot a centipede in your house, it could be a beneficial sign, particularly if you’ve got a roach infestation. Centipedes will certainly hunt and kill roaches.

In this article I’ll go into the details of centipedes and roaches.

Do Centipedes Eat Roaches? Read More »

Are There Fire Ants in Colorado?

Fire ants are a menace everywhere they live. They’re amazing creatures, but it’s good to have them far away, where it’s very warm.

Are there Fire Ants in Colorado?

Yes, it is possible to find fire ants in Colorado, they have become invasive. They’re by no means the most common species of ant in Colorado, but they have taken up residence.

Here are the details on fire ants in Colorado.

Are There Fire Ants in Colorado? Read More »

Are Fleas Hard to Squish?

Fleas are a common nuisance among pet owners. They’re a frustrating infestation and are pretty hard to eliminate once they start multiplying. That’s why so many people search for easier ways to kill the little vampires! 

You’d think the obvious thing to do would be to just squish them how you would a gnat, right?

Are fleas hard to squish?

Fleas are surprisingly hard to squish, so you’d better come up with a plan B.

Here are the details on squishing fleas:

  • Fleas have shells made of chitin that act like armor which makes them hard to squash.
  • They can jump up to 80x higher than their height, so they can easily jump out of reach.
  • Fleas are tougher than they seem – chances are they will just hop away unscathed.

Keep reading to find out more about squishing fleas and what you should do instead.

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