Will Lice Shampoo Kill Bed Bugs? Does It Help Eradicate The Bugs?

Bed bug infestation can be so traumatic you may be ready to try anything to get rid of them!

If you’ve ever wondered will lice shampoo kill bed bugs, you’ll be happy to discover that the short answer is, yes – lice shampoo will also kill bed bugs.

However, since bed bugs are so good at hiding, getting rid of them in only one wash may not be possible. 

  • Bed bugs are not naturally drawn to living in human hair or on their host.
  • If there is a serious infestation, they could be found hiding in someone’s hair. 
  • It’s not important what lice shampoo is used; any brand of shampoo will kill bed bugs. 

91% rubbing alcohol mixed with regular shampoo will also do the trick, as will neem oil. Although it’s not a ‘comfortable’ topic, bed bug infestations can and do happen, often entirely by accident.

But rest assured, there are many solutions, and today’s blog will provide all the insight you need and answer the question: will lice shampoo kill bed bugs?

Will Lice Shampoo Kill Bed Bugs? Does It Help Eradicate The Bugs? Read More »