What Do Roach Eggs Look Like? Learn to Identify Them

You are moving some things around and think you have come across some roach eggs. Identifying roach eggs is important! They need to be eradicated quickly before you end up with a sudden infestation.

What do roach eggs look like?

  • A cockroach’s eggs are dark brown and shaped like capsules known as ootheca. 
  • The first step in eliminating cockroaches from your home is identifying the kind of cockroach that is infesting it. That can be done by examining the nesting location and the eggs.
  • Eggs will vary between different roach species.

There are many species of roaches, and many different ways roaches give birth. That means different eggs.

In this article, we go through the different types of roaches and what their eggs look like.

What Do Roach Eggs Look Like? Cockroach Eggs by Species

In order to explain how cockroach eggs differ by species, here are some basic details about roach eggs.

1. German Cockroach

Commonly found roaches in America include the German cockroach. There is a high rate of mate exchange among German cockroaches. More than 30,000 cockroaches can infest a home from one female and her offspring in just one year.

These are the main reason for sudden intense roach infestations.

More than 30,000 cockroaches can infest a home from one female and her offspring in just one year.

There are 20 to 40 eggs in each ootheca of a German cockroach. 

The female adult roach is responsible for carrying her eggs until they are ready to hatch with her ootheca. A quarter-inch of the egg casing is visible protruding from her abdomen. A concealed location is chosen by the female when it is near the time when the eggs will hatch. 

Consequently, you stand an increased risk of infestation if you try to locate and remove these cockroach eggs within this short window.

2. Brown-banded Roaches

These cockroaches attach their reddish-brown ootheca to walls, furniture, crawl spaces, ceilings, and around your home.

After moving these items, roach infestations quickly spread throughout the house.

Female brown-banded roaches produce about 20 ootheca in their lifetime, with 10 to 18 eggs in each.

3. Australia Cockroaches

Australian cockroaches deposit their ootheca near food sources in your home’s sheltered areas. The egg casings are hidden underneath tables or bed frames and any tight crevice that seems pliable.

It is extremely difficult to find these ootheca and treat them because of the way they are hidden. 

Approximately 16 to 24 nymphs hatch from an ootheca one month after it is hidden, and will continuously molt until they reach adulthood. The female adult will drop an ootheca every 8-10 days.

They can deposit over 20 ootheca per female in 300 days, which amounts to 720 roaches.

4. Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches produce dark reddish-brown ootheca. Compared with other species’ egg casings, this one is slightly inflated due to its vertical arrangement of egg pairs. About 16 eggs are contained in each Oriental cockroach ootheca. 

She carries the ootheca from 12 hours to 5 days, storing it near a food source in a warm, sheltered environment. Eight ootheca are produced by an Oriental cockroach on average throughout her lifespan. 

Roach Eggs: Where to Find Them

A roach’s ootheca is deposited in different places depending on the species; however, they tend not to make it easy to find. Some species may carry egg cases for some time before they hatch.

Still, most ootheca are deposited in secure locations to protect them from predators.

A roach’s ootheca is deposited in different places depending on the species; however, they tend not to make it easy to find. 

Any area where you have seen evidence of cockroaches should be checked, including kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and attics. It is not uncommon for female cockroaches to place many ootheca near their food sources, which is why they tend to infest kitchens and restaurants.

When the nymphs hatch, they will have to fend for themselves. The mother will locate easy food sources for the nymphs before laying. This is all part of the roach lifecycle.

In addition, ootheca will probably be camouflaged and sometimes even glued to its target. So you will have to dig deeper than just scratching the surface. Check the pantry, cabinet, crawl spaces, drawers, closet, and basement for pests.

Check out pipes, furniture legs, stairs, baseboards, and even the appliances. If your wallpaper or flooring is curled, look underneath them. Make sure you check all areas where you prepare and store food. 

There should be a thorough investigation of any storage areas containing garbage or debris and paper or cardboard storage areas. In essence, female roaches attach eggs wherever they deem favorable.

These can be warm areas near food, damp or dry.  

What to Do When You Find Cockroach Eggs

There is nothing more annoying than these insects. A cockroach infestation can be very hard to get rid of.

An action that destroys an adult roach may not necessarily kill its eggs. The ootheca that has already been hidden on the property won’t be eradicated by killing the adults.

A cockroach infestation can be very hard to get rid of. An action that destroys an adult roach may not necessarily kill its eggs.

Is there anything you can do?

The key to success is to divide and conquer. In cases of ongoing infestations, it is important to deal with the eggs first. If you find many eggs, seek professional help as you might already be infested.

Cockroach eggs should be handled as follows:

1. Find the Eggs

Locate where they are hidden first. We have already discussed common locations, so it is time to start looking at them. The eggs are usually buried well, sometimes in hard-to-reach locations.

2. The Ootheca Must Be Removed 

Upon spotting an egg, gloves or paper towels are needed to remove them. You can also use your vacuum cleaner if you empty it after sucking up eggs. 

Place the eggs into a plastic bag, crush the ootheca, and throw it away. Plastic bags shouldn’t be thrown away in regular garbage bins. Avoid disposing of it near your home or others.

3. Diatomaceous Earth

Cockroach eggs can be killed with diatomaceous earth. We recommend this method if you are sure your house has an ongoing infestation.

Diatomaceous earth contains marine phytoplankton, which can dehydrate ootheca and kill roaches. First, ensure that the product is food-grade (you don’t want to poison pets). Once that is done, sprinkle the powder around areas where roaches frequently occur.

4. Sugar and Baking Soda

In order to free your home from the pest, you will need to eliminate the eggs and the adults. The producers of the eggs can be eliminated using this method.

Mix baking soda and sugar in equal amounts in a small container. Spread it around areas where cockroaches have been seen. Using this method, you can kill roaches in a matter of minutes. Baking soda kills the roach after the sugar attracts it. 


Now you know what roach eggs look like, you can keep an eye out for them. You have a battle against you once you spot roach eggs! However, persistence, patience, and the right product can completely eradicate the eggs.

But don’t hesitate to call in help from professionals!