Why Do Mosquitoes Bite the Bottom of Your Foot?

No matter where you get bitten, mosquito bites are uncomfortable and something no one wants to deal with. But there are a couple of areas like the bottom of your foot and your ankles that seem very enticing to those mosquitoes.

Why do mosquitoes bite the bottom of your foot?

  • There are two main reasons mosquitoes are attracted to humans: body odors and the release of carbon dioxide.
  • Our feet tend to release more bacteria that produce odor, and mosquitoes are attracted to them, drawing them in.
  • That, coupled with them being contained in shoes or socks, unlike other areas that excrete odor, makes the scent even more powerful.

An itchy mosquito bite is frustrating and in some cases dangerous. It’s especially so when it’s someplace like the bottom of your foot, which is constantly being irritated by other things as well.

In this article, we’re going to look at why mosquitoes like the foot and some tips to relieve the itching.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite the Bottom of Your Foot?

The answer to this question is quite simple.

It’s due to the odor, carbon dioxide, and heat released from our bodies that we are attracted to mosquitoes at all. Therefore a part of the body that excretes is going to be more attractive to them.

Hence your foot is a prime feeding ground that guides them in and looks and smells bloody delicious.

Mosquitoes have been discovered through research to be able to sense carbon dioxide. This means that animals and humans, which are sweet when they exhale, become very attractive.

That being said, the carbon dioxide is not what’s going to lead them to a specific area of the body that is tasty. It simply guides them to the body itself.

It is the odors we let out into the world as we sweat and move about our day.

That is the final nail in our coffin when it comes to mosquitoes and them biting us.

Because they’re enclosed in shoes and socks all day, our feet sweat more and therefore excrete more odor. Also, it’s well known that more bacteria reside in this area.

Because they’re enclosed in shoes and socks all day, our feet sweat more and therefore excrete more odor. Also, it’s well known that more bacteria reside in this area.

So because of these two factors- the carbon dioxide and the body odor-our feet (or the area surrounding them) often tend to be where we get the most bites.

Mosquito Bites Are So Itchy! Why?

Now that we know why mosquitoes are so drawn to our feet, let’s talk about why mosquito bites itch so badly. When mosquitoes bite, they suck the blood out of us while leaving some of their saliva there.

Their saliva is specially developed so that they can do this without you noticing, and includes components like proteins and anticoagulants.

When our bodies find foreign proteins, they begin activating our immune system. In order to do this, the body releases a compound called histamine that helps quicken the arrival of white blood cells to that area.

It is this histamine that causes inflammation and swelling as well as itchiness.

That itchiness can be the most irritating thing possible, and if you scratch you will only make it worse.

That itchiness can be the most irritating thing possible, and if you scratch, you will only make it worse.

So let’s move on to some ways that you can relive it. 

Tips on Relieving the Itch

That itchiness can be irritating and drive you mad if you don’t take care of it. There are many ways to help relieve the itch, but everybody’s body will be different. So we thought we’d put together some tips to help you out that you can try. 

Eventually, through trying, you’ll find the one that works for you the best. Here are a few ways you might get some relief from the itch:

Rubbing Alcohol

As soon as you see the bite, reach for that rubbing alcohol you have in your medicine cabinet. By taking a swab and rubbing alcohol around it, you dry out the bite. But it’s going to have a cooling effect on the skin, so you don’t want to use too much. Just lightly cleaning the area, and you should feel less itchy.

As soon as you see the bite, reach for that rubbing alcohol you have in your medicine cabinet. 

Honey, Honey

You can always reach for your honey pot if you want something that’s a little better for your skin. Honey has been used for centuries as an antibacterial and antiseptic. It’s one of the only edible substances that never goes bad.

These properties can help reduce inflammation.


Basil doesn’t only belong in your pasta. It has many chemical compounds that are perfect for getting rid of itchiness.

Taking basil and making it into an oil can be especially good to keep around the house to get rid of the itchiness when it comes to those mosquito bites.


You can take some raw garlic, mash it into coconut oil, and utilize it on the affected area. Garlic has a lot of healing compounds that can help take away the itch and inflammation.


Many people keep an aloe vera plant or aloe vera gel around their house to help treat sunburns. This is because it has an anti-inflammatory property.

That same anti-inflammatory property can help soothe the itchiness of a mosquito bite.


Lastly, you can always purchase an antihistamine. By taking an antihistamine, your body will reduce the histamine level, thereby taking away the inflammation in the area.

Most antihistamines help with the itchiness and swelling as well, which will be perfect for anybody suffering from a mosquito bite. 

Final Thoughts

Mosquitoes will bite you anywhere (not on your eyes, though!), but often we find that they like to bite us on the bottom of the foot or the foot in general. This is because your feet release a lot of odor, and the carbon dioxide we release in our bodies pulls mosquitoes closer to us.

Because the feet have more bacteria present, the soles become a lovely buffet for them. 

If you get those foot bites, you have to suffer from the itching. So understanding why they bite the area and how you can handle it once they have bitten is crucial to you having a comfortable and fun day.

We hope that this quick look at why mosquitoes like to bite your feet and how to treat that itchiness has helped you find relief from that annoying mosquito bite on your foot!.