fire ants

Can You Eat Fire Ants? Would The Poison Still Remain?

Societies throughout history have consumed ants for various reasons whether it be chocolate-covered ants, Australian honey-ants, or whatever. But what about poisonous ants?

Can you eat fire ants?

  • It’s not a good idea to eat fire ants, they may remain poisonous after cooking.
  • Edible insects have been a staple part of the diet in many countries.
  • Eating ants are fairly common, but eating fire ants is rare.

If fire ants are cooked, their poison should be neutralized. But it may not be, and you would be taking a risk by eating fire ants. Therefore, it is best to avoid consuming any venomous ant, including fire ants.

Let’s look a bit deeper.

Can You Eat Fire Ants? Are They Safe To Consume?

While some poisonous insects are consumed, it is not a good idea to eat fire ants, even if cooked. Their poison may remain active after cooking, and if you are allergic to fire ant venom, you would be taking a great risk in eating fire ants.

While some poisonous insects are consumed, it is not a good idea to eat fire ants, even if cooked. Their poison may remain active after cooking, and if you are allergic to fire ant venom, you would be taking a great risk in eating fire ants.

That said, eating fire ants is unlikely to cause you any harm if you don’t eat too many, and they are cooked. Their bites can sting, but generally do not cause any lasting effect provided you do not have an allergic reaction to them. 

People eat puffer fish, which if prepared improperly will lead to death. There are some people who are thrilled by the idea of consuming something poisonous.

If you are a really adventurous eater and you know that you’re not allergic to fire ants, well who are we to stop you from trying? 

If you are a really adventurous eater and you know that you’re not allergic to fire ants, well who are we to stop you from trying? 

Most Common Reason People Eat Ants

Aside from the odd ant-eating out of curiosity, there are several other reasons that ants (and other species) have found their way into many people’s diets. Here are a few: 

1. Sustainability

Ants are considered a sustainable food source because of their low environmental impact. In addition, removing prescribed amounts of insects from the environment helps to reduce environmental contamination.

Finally, ants have a high capacity to convert feed into a mass which is counterproductive at lower capacities. 

2. For Survival 

You’ve probably seen those TV shows where hosts need to live off the land to survive in difficult conditions. Well, while the show may be staged, the fact that eating ants may help you survive is true.

Albeit you cannot survive on ants for a very long time without other essentials like water, for example, they still contain valuable nutritional benefits that can keep your body going for longer. 

Just 100g of ants can provide: 

  • 14 grams of protein
  • 5 mg of iron
  • Fiber
  • Calcium 
  • Fat

What Do Fire Ants Taste Like? 

Many people that have eaten or been stung by fire ants have reported a tangy or citrusy sensation, likely caused by the formic acids in ants. Ant larvae, on the other hand, are rich in fats and have been said to have a slightly nutty taste. 

Those that have eaten fire ants have reported a tangy or citrusy sensation, likely caused by the formic acids in ants. 

If you’re one of those brave, adventurous eaters, you should still thoroughly cook fire ants before eating them, and go slowly.

Types of Fire Ants 

There are mainly two types of fire ants. 

  1. Imported fire ants – Introduced by accident to the US, these ants can vary significantly in size, ranging from 1 to 5mm. They are commonly solid red or black and are fairly aggressive even when compared with other species of ants.
  2. Native fire ants – There are a few species of native fire ants, such as the desert and southern fire ants. They generally have a brown body and reddish hue. And while they do sting, they are not as aggressive as their imported relatives. 

Both species live in colonies and build mounds in sand or dirt. One difference is that fire ant colonies can have more than one queen. 

While the quantities may not seem huge, they may make all the difference in survival mode. 

What Are Some Other Edible Insects?

If you’re wondering what other insects are safe to try, below is a list of options that have been proven to be safe to consume by humans: 

  • Palm weevil larvae
  • Termites
  • Grasshoppers
  • Dragonfly 
  • Stink bugs

A few more dangerous species can also be eaten when dead and cooked in any form. Catching these on your own is not recommended unless you have the necessary knowledge and experience to do so:

  • Tarantulas
  • Scorpions
  • Water bugs


For most people, fire ants are a poor choice for consumption. Their venom could remain poisonous, even after cooking. And if you’re allergic, you could react to the venom.

That said, some people just love insanely hot peppers, and other people love the idea of eating poisonous puffer fish. If you’re a truly adventurous eater and you know you’re not allergic, you could give roasted fire ants a try.